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In the scope of the Cycle of Conferences "The Portuguese Public Finance Council invites to debate", a conference entitled "Migration: Population, Development and Public Finances" was held on 1 March, organised in partnership with the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the Universidade de Lisboa.


This event highlighted the role of international migration in the Portuguese labor market and demography, both in the current context and in the long term. Based on empirical evidence, the debate on the information needed for analysis and the construction of prospective scenarios, the aim was to debate the issue of migration within the framework of public policies.


The conference started at 9.30 am at the Jorge Gaspar conference room (IGOT), with the interventions of Mário Vale (IGOT director, Universidade de Lisboa), Nazaré da Costa Cabral (Chair of the Portuguese Public Finance Council) and João Peixoto (vice-rector of the Universidade de Lisboa). 


The event was divided into two parts. The first panel, with the theme "Migration, demography and the labor market: from the short to the long term", featured interventions by Noémia Goulart (CFP), Paula Albuquerque (ISEG - Universidade de Lisboa) and Jorge Malheiros (IGOT - Universidade de Lisboa) and moderation by Miguel St. Aubyn (CFP). The second panel, entitled "Migrations, the economy and public policies: from information to strategy", featured Sónia Torres (INE's Demographic and Social Statistics Department), Catarina Oliveira (Migration Observatory / ISCSP), Eduardo Anselmo Castro (Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences at the University of Aveiro) and was moderated by Lucinda Fonseca (IGOT - Universidade de Lisboa).


This was the VII Conference of the cycle that began in 2020 and aims to debate some of the most relevant issues for the Portuguese economy and public finances at the beginning of this decade.


More information and presentations available here.

Date of last update: 01/03/2024

News . 01 March 2024