Institutional Cooperation in the field of General Government Statistics
Given the experience gained and the changes that have taken place in the meantime in the national and European institutional framework, an Institutional Cooperation MoU in the field of General Government Statistics was signed on 27 March 2017. This MoU replaced the earlier Institutional Cooperation Agreement in the field of Statistics signed on 10 January 2006 by the Macroeconomic Statistics Department of the National Statistical Authority (INE), the Statistics Department of the Bank of Portugal (BoP) and the Directorate-General for the Budget (DGO).
In addition to these three institutions, another 10 entities signed the new MoU: the Public Debt Management Agency (IGCP), the Portuguese Public Finance Council (CFP), the Directorate-General for Local Authorities (DGAL), the Directorate-General for Treasury and Finance (DGTF), the Madeira Regional Statistics Directorate (DREM), the Ministry of Finance’s Office for Economic Policy and International Affairs (GPEARI), the Finance General Inspectorate (IGF), the Azores Regional Statistics Department (SREA), the Court of Auditors (ToC) and Parliament’s Budget Support Technical Unit (UTAO).
The MoU aims to promote cooperation among the signatories in the field of General Government Statistics, in particular as regards the Excessive Deficit Procedure and the European Semester.
Its purpose is to contribute to high quality General Government Statistics and information on budget outturn by developing institutional cooperation mechanisms among the signatories. The aim is to ensure high standards as regards the reliability and consistency of the source data and deadlines for their release, in line with best practice in this field.
Cooperation Protocol between the Portuguese Public Finance Council and the Public Finance Council of Cape Verde
With the aim of sharing experiences and knowledge regarding the work carried out by the two institutions, as well as benefiting from synergies to carry out projects of common interest, the Public Finance Councils of Portugal and Cape Verde agree as follows: Clause
The promotion of training activities and the development of technical assistance projects in the two institutions' areas of expertise, particularly in the field of macroeconomic, fiscal and financial modelling.
2.nd Clause
The co-organisation of events of common interest, such as seminars, conferences and working groups, on economic and public finance issues and within the scope of their respective mission and attributions, which may be attended by external players specialised in the subject in question, in addition to their own representatives.
3.rd Clause
Organisation and scheduling of actions, projects and events
The organisation and scheduling of the actions, projects and events mentioned in the previous clauses will depend, at any given time, on the availability of human, technical and financial resources in each institution, which may not compromise the course of the work to which each is obliged under the terms of its legal mandate.
Lisbon, July 8 2024
Date of last update: 09/07/2024