Last December, 11, 12 and 13, Nazaré da Costa Cabral and Carlos Marinheiro attended, at Brussels, to three initiatives involving European Independent Fiscal Institutions.
The CFP's Staff Director represented the institution at the meeting of the EU Independent Fiscal Institutions (EUIFIS) network, which took place at the think tank CEPS premises on December 11th.
On the 12th, the President and the Staff Director attended the ECFIN 2023 National Fiscal Frameworks Conference: dealing with fiscal risks, organised by the European Commission (DG ECFIN).
On the 13th, Nazaré da Costa Cabral and Carlos Marinheiro spoke in session II of the 19th meeting of the EU Network of Independent Fiscal Institutions (EUNIFI), organised by the European Commission (DG ECFIN), with a presentation about "Fiscal risks in Portugal: The approach of the CFP".
Date of last update: 18/12/2023