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The Portuguese Public Finance Council (CFP) publishes Occasional Paper No. 4/2017 with the title “Fiscal Management in Portugal: aspirations in search of solutions”, by Teodora Cardoso. In this text, the President of the CFP seeks to briefly describe the characteristics and evolution of the budgetary process in Portugal since 1974, as well as its implications for the management capacity and control of public accounts and, ultimately, for the social well-being and development of the economy. In addition to presenting a summary of the problems that have characterized fiscal management in Portugal, this text also indicates priority areas for its solution. 


The “Occasional Paper” series comprises sporadic articles on any matter related to the mission and tasks of the Portuguese Public Finance Council, signed by the authors. 


This publication is only available in Portuguese. 

Date of last update: 07/09/2017

Other Publications . Occasional paper nº 4/2017 . 07 September 2017