Economic Growth and Productivity in Portugal
The Portuguese Public Finance Council begun, on 4th of March, the 2020 Conference Cycle, during which some of the most pressing issues on the Portuguese economic growth, fiscal rules and income inequality will be discussed.
The first conference, which had the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and CeBER as partners, focused on "Economic Growth and Productivity in Portugal" and was divided into two parts.
After the opening session, by the three entities involved, a panel took place, subordinated to the theme "State, Technology and Growth in Small Economies", followed by the roundtable "Public Finance and Economic Growth in Portugal".
For any questions or additional information, please contact www.cfp.pt
Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
Av. Dias da Silva, 165
3004-512 Coimbra
Sala Keynes, Piso 4
Bloco de Ensino
Date of last update: 04/03/2020
Welcoming Speeches
Luís Cruz, Subdirector for Investigation, Assistant Professor at FEUC
Nazaré da Costa Cabral, Chair of the Superior Council of the Portuguese Public Finance Council
Luís Dias, Director of CeBER
Panel | State, Technology and Growth in Small Economies
Marta Simões, Assistant Professor, FEUC,Researcher, CeBER: “AI, demand and the impact on employment of the introduction of new technologies: the Portuguese case "
Tiago Sequeira, Associate Professor, FEUC, Researcher, CeBER: “R&D and FDI opening as substitutes to promote growth and well-being in a small open economy”
Coffee Break
Round Table | Public Finances and Economic Growth in Portugal
Francisco Veiga, Full Professor, NIPE/EEG-UMinho
Luís Campos e Cunha, Full Professor, NOVA SBE
Miguel St. Aubyn, Executive Member, CFP
Óscar Afonso, Associate Professor, FEP, Researcher, CEF.UP
Tiago Sequeira (Moderator), Associate Professor, FEUC, Researcher, CeBER